Human activities have been the main driver of climate change and global warming caused by humans and its impacts on earths weather systems, mainly the emission of greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide and methane gas is increased on impact of our climate change in the world, Thus globally affected People with food , water scarcity, cyclone, flooding, heat , different kind of  new Diseases and mostly loss our economy. Many of these impacts are already facing globally. Climate change , biodiversity decline and the crisis in our human health, we are must tackle the fundamental issues in our food and farming Systems. The dominant industrial model of food production is hugely damaging to both people and our planet. Until now farming with grass feed the livestock as a path part of it.

We must focus at the ability to be maintained of all foods  both plant  and animal based and make a more nuanced choice about what we should eat to be healthy and sustainable on the groundwork of how these foods are produced. Re-localizing our Systems is important for  future resilience and reducing our climate change impact.


1. Industrial livestock organization are absolutely part of the problem,Mainly present to climate change, biodiversity decline, poor animal welfare and human health issues.

2. Pastured based livestock, such as cattle and animal can work harmony with our nature, helping restore soil health and biodiversity, whilst producing nutrients-dense food.

3. Assessing the carbon footprint of food based on worldwide figures can be misleading because the footprint can vary drastically based on where and how it is produced.

4. Reducing many type of beef production and meeting demand through Export and imports from countries with higher emissions of meat than the Country could increased world emissions.

5. Mostly soils are the global's biggest terrestrial carbon store but intensive farming is causing them to be depleted. Come back to mixed farming with diverse grasses and livestock unsegregated with crop production and  Agroforestry would remodel natural soil fertility and store material quantities of carbon.

6. Commercial livestock organization are completely part of the problem, Furnish to climate change, biodiversity decline, poor animal welfare and human health  issues. Organizations that feed animals on crops that humans  could otherwise eat supply to deforestation, soil degradation and add Carbon to the atmosphere and indoor housed poultry, goat , pig , cow and sheep farming, large scale intensive diary as well as animal farming systems that rely on the high use of concentrate feeds, substantial amounts of nitrogen fertilizer and destroys micro-organisms plus those that degrade grasslands and bio-diversity are clearly all part of the problem.

7. Grazing livestock have a role in creating diverse mixed farming systems that will be more resilient in the face of greater weather extremes caused by Global warming than current intensive production systems.

8. Well managed grazing is important for biodiversity , creating and maintaining important  grassland habitats for birds and other wildlife. This is why grazing animals are time after time used by conservation organizations to manage conserves and other protected landscapes.

9. Pasture based systems can deliver high standards of animal welfare as they are more closely aligned with the natural environment of the animals  and enable them to bahave more naturally.

10. Chemical fertilizers which provide importantly to climate change can be reduced  because soil  fertility is built using legumes that fix nitrogen naturally in the soil and along the addition of dunk from the animals themselves.

11. Grazing animals efficiently convert otherwise inedible plant material into nutrient-dense, human-edible food .

12. Well managed diverse grazing systems and crop and animal rotations can prevent the build up of weeds  and parasites , reducing the need for chemical weed ,pest and parasite control.

13. Provide employment in environmentally constrained areas where other opportunities are limited.

14. Maintain many of the landscapes we love and that we identify s part of our cultural heritage.

15.  Farming methods which improve soil health must become a central tenet of our climate response and carbon sequestration strategy.

16. Soil degradation resulting from exploitative crop rotations that rely on nitrogen fertilizers.

17. Rising air pollution from ammonia and the associated formation of secondary particulate matter.

18. Pollution of the atmosphere from greenhouse gases and ozone deplation.

19. Loss of habitats and delicate plant species smothered by plants that thrive in high nitrogen environments.

20.  Dramatic declines in farmland birds, small mammals, pollinating insects and invertebrates.

21. Eutrophication and acidification of rivers, lakes , ponds and marine coastal regions.

22. Elevated nitrate levels in drinking water and loss of marine and aquatic species due to  dead zones caused by run off.


Trees can be grown hand in  hand grazing  livestock system both the use of hedgerows with field margin trees and through the introduction of agroforestry systems, where trees and agricultural production are incorporated society on the same area of land. Execution so can deliver a whole organize of social, agricultural and environmental benefits including significant carbon sequestration potential. There is even  some research indicating that the integration of trees and Livestock can sequester more carbon than equivalent but separate area of woodland and pasture.


When comparing  foods in terms of their climate impacts , the key question of nutritional value is often overlooked . However this into account can have a very significant bearing on how we understand the environmental footprints of different foods  and production systems. Meat and diary produced from  sustainably managed , grass based systems can therefore be an invaluable source of nutrition .It is  world level investigation stipulate that somewhere between 9-23 grams of protein per person per day around 20-50% of the world's total requirements could be provided by livestock reared on human inedible feeds with the most important of these being grass as well as 10% our energy and iron needs , 20% of our calcium  and zinc needs and a massive 75% of our vitamin B12 needs. This is a testing food origin if we are to feed a growing population.


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